Actualités de la construction

Stainless Luminaire

Kenall has unveiled new product offering built specifically to mitigate the challenges of one of lighting’s…

EarthTronics Color & Wattage LED Floodlight

EarthTronics is dedicated to developing innovative energy- saving lighting products that provide a positive…

2021, année record pour l'immobilier ancien au détriment des foyers modestes

2021 a été une année "record" pour l'immobilier ancien mais cela risque d'"éliminer les gens…

Three materials companies receive new RMS certification

Three construction material producers have received the newly launched Recycled Material Standard (RMS)…

New Paint Additive Protects Surfaces From Deadly Pathogens

A new chemical antimicrobial paint additive from Israeli startup Bio-Fence stabilizes disinfectants.…

Pitt engineers aim to make floors less slippery

Pittsburgh, P.a.—The University of Pittsburgh’s Kurt Beschorner and Tevis Jacobs said they will use…

Nu-Heat launches interactive Carbon Saving Tool

To help people understand and visualise environmental figures and statistics making the headlines, Nu-Heat…

Innovation : une lumière artificielle qui respecte l'horloge biologique humaine

Si les lampes Led permettent de choisir entre différentes températures de couleurs, elles disposent…

BIM : guide complet sur le logiciel de modélisation 3D

Le Building Information Modeling ou BIM est de plus en plus répandu en raison de […]

Eclisse launches new pocket door systems

Eclisse has launched new pocket door systems to suit popular stud work sizes. Eclisse has been supplying…

Paneau de façade inspiré de la lune

Comme chaque innovation EQUITONE, le nouveau matériau de façade EQUITONE [lunara] a été créé en collaboration…